Creatives are inspired by innumerable sources but perhaps the most powerful is the inspiration we find in each other. As 2020 has prompted unexpected isolation from these wells of inspiration, The Corazón de Trinidad Creative District wishes to gift this show to our community to help us all remember the critical role we each unwittingly play in other creatives' process.
“Keeping the Flame Alive” is a year-long event that adopts a structure similar to the childhood game of “telephone” or “tag”. A creative submits a work of art in response to the prompt provided by a previous creative that is conveyed via various means in their submission. This aesthetic dialogue will continue with each subsequent nomination of a new artist working in a different medium. The resulting thread yields a glimpse into the interpretative strength of the creative mind, and includes sound, visual, and literary art, as well as various digital media. This thread will develop here on this site, with new additions appearing every two weeks that showcase the creative talent in this iconic area.

We Are Animals Too
Doug Holdread
Illustrated Journal Page, Pen and Ink
Inspired by Chair of Elijah
Round 4
The Wizard King
Holly Hazelet-Markwalter
Pen & Ink, Watercolor Pencil
Round 7
Inspired by The Wizard, Gatekeeper...
Carol Blatnick-Barros
Prismacolor, New Pastel/Pencil
Inspired by Misdirection
Round 9

Coming Soon!

Stay Tuned for Round 10!

Coming Soon!