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Exciting Updates on the Space to Create Trinidad Project

Updated: May 14, 2021

The Space to Create Trinidad Project is alive and well!

Read below to learn more about the Space to Create Project, and new developments with the ArtSpace Lofts and The Commons.

A Brief History of the Space to Create Project

In July 2015 Governor John Hickenlooper announced that Trinidad would be the demonstration project for the Space to Create initiative. A group of business and community leaders, led by the Corazón de Trinidad Creative District (Creative District), was formed to begin initial dialogue with Artspace, the City, and other partners to determine the scope and use of the project, in particular The Commons.

Artspace led numerous community feasibility studies to determine specific needs, including meetings with artists and creative individuals; business and cottage-industry owners; students; educators; and others.

A large and well-attended open community presentation was held at Trinidad State College to

inform the public on the project, open the Artspace Market Survey to obtain data on those

interested in living in the units, and determine the exact needs that should be considered for

The Commons. Artspace expected to have 200 surveys returned, but with early PR led by the

Creative District, there were 616 survey responses.

Architectural Rendering | ArtSpace Trinidad
Architectural Rendering | ArtSpace Trinidad

Each step in determining use needs in the community has brought the project to this final stage. While each step has taken the project to a new level of planning, the Creative District and the City of Trinidad continue to work to fine-tune the end results.

News and Developments

There are two distinct parts to the Space to Create Project: The ArtSpace Lofts and The Commons. Here are updates on each.

The Artspace Lofts, on Main Street and Elm Street

  • Construction of the Artspace Lofts, 41 units in total, has been completed.

  • On Main Street, 12 of 13 units are leased. On Elm Street, 10 of 28 units are leased.

  • The onsite manager and leasing agent, Susan Miner, can be reached at 719-422-8074

The Commons on Main Street

  • The City of Trinidad leases 20,000 square feet on Main Street, The Commons, from Artspace

  • The Commons will provide multi-use community activities, retail businesses, and other creative and economic opportunities. Plans for basic build-out are complete, with details in progress

  • The Commons will be jointly managed by the Creative District and the Trinidad Economic Development Department. Specific roles are being developed

  • The City of Trinidad has in place a Commons Oversight Board that will work closely with all entities to ensure professional and fiscal responsibility

  • The Commons will be completed in three phases. Construction on the first two phases, the Main Street frontage, is fully funded and has a starting construction date of late March, with construction completed by December 31, 2021 at the latest.

  • The 8400 square feet open garage area in the back of the Toller Building is Phase Three.

Toller Building in Trinidad, Colorado
Toller Building
The Artspace Lofts and The Commons will work together to include the local community and residents of the live/work units to promote joint activities to benefit both.

A Grand Opening will be held once the project construction is complete and the live/work units are fully leased out and occupied. Of course, plans will depend on status of the Covid-19

pandemic, but we are expecting this event to take place in early 2022. There are several large projects in the planning stage for 2022 that will be held in The Commons.

The Economic Development Coordinator, Wally Wallace, is managing the business leasing. Retail space will be located in the Aiello Building, with potential for a café or other culinary-based space. The Creative District will manage and be responsible for the front of the Toller Building, with artistic workshops, exhibitions, educational projects, and other short-term uses. Details are now being planned by a committee of Creative District board members.

Aiello Building in Trinidad, Colorado
Aiello Building

Sign up for the Creative District newsletter to keep up with all the amazing things happening here in our beautiful Trinidad, Colorado!

Want to be notified when Space to Create Colorado and Artspace host a Trinidad Space to Create information session, or get the latest updates on the project as they are made available? Sign up for Trinidad Space to Create Property Updates HERE.

Have a great idea for The Commons? Email us with what you would like to see there. How would you, your business, or your organization like to utilize the space? Watch for more updates as we progress!


Marilyn Leuszler

Corazón de Trinidad Creative District

Trinidad Commons Oversight Board



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