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Not magic - but dedication, that brought Space to Create to Trinidad

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

How did Trinidad become so fortunate? It wasn’t magic. It took state and community leadership and vision, backed with five years of hard work and coordinated action, to help prepare the downtown as a place for creative and entrepreneurial people to work, gather, and make a home.

It all began in 2010 when the Colorado legislature established Colorado Creative Industries (CCI) as a division of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). CCI was designated to oversee formation and administration of Colorado Creative Districts the following year. Trinidad saw the program as a natural fit, and along with 48 other communities, applied for Creative District designation through a rigorous process. Applicants certified demonstrate a concentration of vigorous arts and culture, walkability, and long-term plans for sustainability that can attract artists and creative entrepreneurs,infusing innovation, new energy, and economic activity. Trinidad was awarded emerging status in 2012 as “Corazόn de Trinidad Creative District” and became fully certified in 2013. There are currently 21 Colorado Creative Districts with recertification required every five years. The varied Creative Districts are urban and rural, small and large, with varied focus, and with a broad range of organizational structures and missions, depending on the needs of the community. There is no cookie-cutter approach and each celebrates the unique identity of the community.

Since certification, the Creative District completed a comprehensive Downtown Community...

(click below for complete story)

Space to Create, Creative District, Colorado Creative Industries
Groundbreaking ceremony at Space to Create


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