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PRESS RELEASE: Keeping the Flame Alive, a Corazón de Trinidad Creative District Online Exhibition

Trinidad Creative District


Contact: Ily Reiling - 303.359.2579 -

Trinidad, Colorado: The Corazón de Trinidad Creative District today announced a new online art exhibition, Keeping the Flame Alive. Creative individuals take inspiration from innumerable sources but, perhaps the most powerful is the inspiration we find in each other. As the pandemic has presented us with necessary isolation from these wells of inspiration, the Corazón de Trinidad Creative District wishes to gift this back to our community.

“Keeping the Flame Alive” is a year-long event synonymous with the children’s game of “telephone” or “tag”. A creative submits a work of art inspired by a prompt given by a previous creative. The prompt will come in the form of the previous artist’s submission. This aesthetic dialogue will continue with a nomination of a new artist who works in a different medium. This thread will continue into the future, giving a glimpse into the interpretative strength of the creative mind. It will include sound art, visual art, literary art, digital media and more. It all happens at the CD website online, with new additions appearing every two weeks, which will showcase all the creative talent which happens in this iconic area. And it doesn’t

cost a cent!

We may not be able to have live concerts, go to art exhibitions, or “hang out” with what spices

life in Trinidad, but it will still all be found here. The Creative District will be preparing throughout 2021 for their eventual presence in the Commons portion of Space to Create, located on Main Street in downtown Trinidad. Many more projects will be announced throughout the spring and summer, and everyone can know about them by adding their names to the mailing list.

“Boy and Dog” Tintype (included) was given to the first round of artists as a start to the aesthetic conversation. Artists took this inspiration to submit work. The next round of artists would receive work from the previous round of submissions for their inspiration, hence the artistic tag or telephone format for the “Keeping the Flame Alive” digital exhibit.
Boy and Dog

“Boy and Dog” Tintype (included) was given to the first round of artists as a start to the aesthetic conversation. Artists took this inspiration to submit work. The next round of artists would receive work from the previous round of submissions for their inspiration, hence the artistic tag or telephone format for the “Keeping the Flame Alive” digital exhibit. Image Credit: Boy and Dog, Artist Unknown, Tintype, c.1865-70, courtesy of a private collection.

About the Corazón de Trinidad Creative District:

The Corazón de Trinidad Creative District nurtures and supports creative entrepreneurs while bringing exciting experiences to the community of Trinidad and the surrounding region. It has been certified as a Colorado Creative Industries Creative District since 2013. More information can be found at:

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